Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I would like to share this poem as an ode to my mother on the occasion of her 60th Birthday. Be blessed by it:

To have you in our lives for all these special years,
Experiencing your love and trust and things we hold so dear
To know each day we live, your guiding hand is there
To show us every moment that there's someone there who cares.

For every trial we faced, we knew you were there to pray;
And point us to the God you serve and lead us in His Way.
You told us to get up every time we fell down
In days of joy, in days of pain, we knew you were around.

For every tear you've shed, for every seed you've sown
For every lesson that you taught, for every talent that you’ve honed;
For every sleepless night, for every word of praise,
For every sacrifice, for every loving gaze,

We celebrate you Mum because there's no one quite like you,
That is the way you are or does things only you can do
So have a glorious year and many more to come
'Till Jesus comes and takes us all to our Heavenly Home.

© Toyin Puddicombe (2012)
For the children

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